UNDERMININGnormal has been a long time coming.
As I mentioned when I said hello:
It's kind of a mashup of several projects and dreams of mine.The projects that led us here are: vagina vérité, the bodylife library, and the experiential lab. I'll say more about each of these soon, though vagina vérité has its own website with its origin story and the bodylife library grew out of vagina vérité, so I introduce it there too. Which leaves the experiential lab and how all this became UNDERMININGnormal, which also has roots in projects, classes, communities and experiences originated and hosted by others who have changed my life, including but not limited to (I'll be adding to this) the Better Communities co-op, Advanced Problem Space Research, Calling In The Calling Out Culture, and the East River Park.
Of course, my whole life and everything that came before and poured into me whether I knew it, wanted it, understood it, fought it, faced it, or not is part of the origin story. Don't worry ——I'm not trying to name it all. There is no way I could succeed, not as the actor and not as the observer, and that bigness beyond me of life is what makes it worthwhile, so I'm not trying and not interested. I'm collecting the relevant precursors and shaping agents and soil and stories because they continue to mean a lot to me, feed me and challenge me. If you're interested in UNDERMININGnormal, you may be interested in them too. I start to get more specific about how UNDERMININGnormal got started and what it's about below.
UNDERMININGnormal emerged as itself a year into pandemic lockdown toward the end of March 2021.
I write about it on an ongoing basis in the clearing, just outside the community space, which in my mind is a digital coffeehouse, with a lake behind it, trees all around and sky for days, so -yeh- there's a clearing out front too.
In case you want to skip around, you can use the links below to go in the order that matters to you and skip the parts that don't.
hello and welcome
how did a digital coffeehouse grow out of living room picnics?
what is a living room picnic?
what kinds of topics do we picnic on?
what else would you like to hear about?
And I owe you a section on dreams and one about me that's got that bio vibe.