our next gathering: is our collective grief ceremony on Mon 20-Jun at 7:30-8:30pm EST
Dear fellow deep-thinking, change-seeking woman,
Grief can be hard to talk about.
Sometimes (often?) you don’t know that it’s happening, that that’s why…why this feels, what? no, this doesn’t feel, it’s this aching, wait, under the surface there’s this hard, covering everything there’s an empty, familiar, and still it’s strange, just on the edge, this silent […]
I’m not asking you to talk about it.
Not with me.
But there may be a conversation to be had between you and yourself or you. That’s another thing you don’t always know is happening.
It’s for that need to reflect and to remember that we hold collective grief ceremonies every season.
Sometimes, you just need the company of others in order to take care of yourself.
what to expect
The collective grief ceremony isn’t meant to resolve or settle anything.We’ll be off-camera and you won’t be asked to share. There will be no photos or breakout rooms. This is just for you, so you can be with your grief privately, within a space of collective caring and acceptance.
We’ll have three sessions of private journaling to support us in naming, recognizing and claiming our respective losses, sadness and grief.
I will guide us through and keep time, though there will be no pressure to finish, and at the end of the third session, we’ll go light digital candles. This will also be private. You can dedicate your candle in any way you like. You can light more than one. Each candle burns for 48 hours.
There will be an opportunity to share and talk about grief at the end of the ceremony. Some people find they’d like to commune a bit. You’ll see if you feel like it.
It’s also fine to head out after lighting your candle, and not say a word.
Register here to participate in our collective grief ceremony on 20-Jun from 7:30-8:30pm EDT, with an optional after-hangout where we can share or talk about grief from 8:30-9:00pm EDT.If you’ve never attended a gathering at UNDERMININGnormal and feel like an introduction to UNDERMININGnormal, you can stop by the courtyard; I wrote this for you.
the UNDERMININGnormal digital coffeehouse
Participating in a collective grief ceremony a way to join UNDERMININGnormal.It costs $7.00 to attend the grief ceremony, and comes with a month of membership.
Members can participate in all UNDERMININGnormal gatherings and programs.
To attend "our collective grief ceremony" Just sign up here.
Got questions? I'd love to hear them!